Department of Health and Wellness
Department information, programs and services.
Information you can access on this website includes:
- Arm and Leg Prostheses Program
- Breast Prostheses Program
- Cannabis: be in the know
- Children’s Oral Health Program
- Collaborative practice teams
- Continuing Care Services
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Dental programs
- Diversity, social inclusion and cultural competence
- Electronic Health Program (eHealth)
- Emergency Health Services (EHS)
- Eye Prostheses Program
- Family physicians
- Gender affirming surgery
- Health Card (MSI)
- Information for healthcare professionals
- In-province Travel Assistance Pilot Program to Support Surgical Access
- Nursing strategy
- Opioid use and overdose strategy
- Optometry programs
- Personal Health Information Act overview
- Pharmacare programs
- Physician workforce
- Primary healthcare
- Protection for persons in care
- Provincial programs
- Public health
- Publications
- Quality and patient safety
- Services de santé
- Support for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Third party liability
- Travel and accommodation assistance
- Wait times
More programs and services
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